1946-Rita Hayworth- Hollywood's Golden Age comes up close and personal w critically acclaimed Qu
Imagine having #RitaHayworth take you by the hand and share an insider's world of The #GoldenAgeOfHollywood accompanied by the greatest...

REBEL REBEL The Many Lives of David Bowie will elecryfy Arcada Theatre in St Charles IL Thursday Aug
Imagine #ZiggyStardust, The #ThinWhiteDuke and Iconic Bowie all on stage with one of the best rock bands ever taking you into the world...

Marc Martel and The Ultimate Queen Celebration Made Palm Springs Even Hotter @TheShow Last Weekend.
What a hot and sizzling night last Saturday was! #MarcMartel and the guys in #UQC dazzled and electrified #AguaCalienteCasino. The crowd...

Palm Desert CA here comes Ultimate Queen Celebration starring Marc Martel at Agua Caliente Casino in
#CAMA returns to @TheShow at #AguaCalienteCasino with #UltimateQueen Celebration starring #MarcMartel bringing to life the greatest ...

#UltimateQueenCelebration starring #MarcMartel rocked @HardRockBiloxi last weekend! Get ready to roc
#UQC rocked it hard in MISS, the band was amazing @AndyAscolese on keys,@JRMcNeely on bass, @JasonGianni on drums and @AngusClark on...