DATES ADDED! Ultimate Queen Celebration starring Marc Martel will bring the house down at The Show a
Desert Springs will be so hot when #MarcMartel stars in #TheUltimateQueenCelebration otherwise known at #UQC takes the stage at #TheShow...

Ocean Grove, NJ The Ultimate Queen Celebration starring Marc Martel will rock the Great Auditorium J
All of the great performers have played #TheGreatAuditorium in #OceanGrove NJ. #MarcMartel s voice is a heavenly experience and to get...

Ultimate Queen Celebration to ROCK The HARD ROCK in Biloxi, MS
@Marc Martel and #UQC will make #Biloxi even HOTTER on July 7. If you LOVE #QUEEN you will LOVE this thrilling concert!!!!!! ONLY A FEW...

A Taste of Rita Tomorrow at The Beechman, NYC in Richard Skipper's Cabaret Celebration with an A
@QuinnLemley is thrilled to be a part of @RichardSkipper's Cabaret Celebration at @LaurieBeechmanTheater in #NYC at 1 pm RESERVATIONS A...

Big Mike w/ Cory Alexander from “Rebel Rebel: The Many Lives of David Bowie In Concert” | WBZO-FM
Amazing Radio interivew with #ThinWhiteDuke, @CoryAlexander on @BigMike #WBZO-FM for #RebelRebel The Many Lives Of #DavidBowie LIVE IN...

Rebel Rebel The Many Lives of David Bowie coming to Patchogue Theatre Friday May 11. Provocative Pic
Here are some great pics from our company of Rebel Rebel The Many Lives Of David Bowie THE CONCERT. With @SamGIven as #ZiggyStardust...

Long Island Advance Just Released - LET'S DANCE!
Amazing article just came out in the Long Island Advance by Tara Smith about REBEL REBEL The Many Lives of David Bowie this Friday May 11...

CAMA is proud to have Quinn Lemley sponsored by the legendary clothing designer Joseph Ribkoff
CAMA is thrilled to have client, celebrity Quinn Lemley, star of #BurlesqueToBroadway and #RitaHayworth #TheHeatIsOn, sponsored by the...

Quinn Lemley Wearing Designer Joseph Ribkoff in entry of a qpdezine.com New York City interior.
Quinn Lemley, star of #BurlesqueToBBroadway and #RitaHayworth #THE HEAT IS ON! recently launched qpdeZine.com a design company with Paul...